

Experience the taste of summer with our hand-picked, sun-ripened strawberries. Bursting with sweetness and vibrant flavor, our strawberries are grown using sustainable practices to ensure they are as fresh and natural as possible.

$ 11.99 USD


Perfect for snacking, desserts, or adding a pop of flavor to salads and smoothies, these berries are a customer favorite.

  • Picked at peak ripeness for maximum flavor and freshness.
  • No synthetic pesticides or chemicals used in the growing process.
  • Available for home delivery or farm pick-up.

Indulge in the freshest, most delicious strawberries straight from our farm to your table!

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Our mission is simple: to bring the freshest, most nutritious produce directly from our fields to your table. Our relationship with our customers goes beyond the transaction.

$ 11.99 USD
$ 11.99 USD
$ 11.99 USD
$ 11.99 USD

Unsere Alpaka-Jungtiere – Mit Herz und Sorgfalt für Sie grossgezogen

Auf unserem Hof wachsen gesunde und artgerecht gehaltene Huacaya-Alpakas heran – ideale Begleiter für Zucht, Landwirtschaft oder einfach für Tierliebhaber. Unsere Jungtiere stammen aus sorgfältiger Zucht und stehen für Qualität und Sanftmut.